Sunday, January 18, 2015

How To Highlight & Contour a New Face

I'll start by saying I'm not the biggest make up user. I'm not a make up novice. I know what to use for my face and what I like. And I know I'm a bit late on this highlight and contour trend going on. But I couldn't help but realize how many people are using this trend to look like a different person.

I'm all for using make up to enhance your beauty. But how far are we really willing to go to feel beautiful. It's like the inexpensive substitute to surgery. I've seen some very good tutorials, where the girls didn't change their appearance, they highlighted certain parts of their

Then I attempted to watch a 27 min tutorial where this guy completely changed the look of his face. I'm talking skin complexion, eyebrows, thinner nose, higher cheek bones. From the beginning of the video to the end, he was a different person. He created a new face.

And I know I can't speak for everybody, but to me this has shown more and more people who have decided they don't like the way they look and they're going to look like somebody else. Where's the Self Love people?!

Maybe I'm overreacting, I don't know. I just know I love myself way too much to give my self a different face. And want my daughter to grow up loving herself enough to not feel like she has to change her appearance to fit into a superficial state of being for people who don't care about her anyway. I want her to love the face god gave her,  a mix from both myself and her father, that blended and created her.

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