Monday, June 16, 2014

Out With The Old!

Bad habits die hard and we all have bad habits, some worse than others. But nonetheless, we all have some habits that we might want to change. When do you decide it's time to change that habit? Is it once you've decided to that you really want to do something else? Is it when you realized, maybe this habit can hurt you in the future? Whenever you decide its time to change your not so healthy habit to healthier habits, here are some ways to help with that process.
1. Deciding The Habit
Your first step to changing your habit, is first deciding which habit you would like to change. Think about how realistic this change is and how important this change is to you. Knowing what it is you want to change and how hard this change may be for you, will give you a better understanding of how to go about changing this habit.
2. Making A Realistic Goal
Now that you have identified the habit. Let's make a realistic goal. It's easy for someone to say I want to drink more water everyday. But think about the habit and then think about how long it might actually take for you to do this habitually. Like maybe you want to stop smoking. Great! Now think about how long it will realistically take you to stop smoking.
3. Choosing A Date To Begin
Choosing a date is very important! Look at the calendar, decide which day of the week and/or month where you decide to just go ahead and begin this change. Mark the date on your calendar, in your smartphone, and whatever else you may use on a daily basis. Then set a reminder, so you don't forget.
4. Just Do It
I know this may sound cliche. But really just do it! No excuses, no pushing it back. Make that change!
We should all strive for a healthier lifestyle. Find your unhealthy vice and get rid of it. For me it's sugar. But with the rate of diabetes being diagnosed because of a less than healthy eating habits, I've had to reevaluate how much my sugar intake was and reduce. And just stick with being a healthier me. I encourage everyone to do the same!