Tuesday, November 25, 2014

#NoJustice For Killing Of Mike Brown

Last night the decision from the Ferguson Grand Jury was to not indict Officer Darren Wilson for the murder of Michael Brown. Last night, I sat and watched Prosecutor McCulloch ramble on about the inconsistencies of testimony and how the physical evidence  supported Officer Wilson's story. As the prosecutor began talking, I knew in my gut that the grand jury had no intentions on indicting Officer Wilson. 

Tension grew even higher during the prosecutors speech as police cruisers stormed the peaceful streets as people were still shocked and quiet about the decision that was made. I watched for as long as I could, knowing a riot was soon to break out. And low and behold, its exactly what happened.

You know, I really wasn't surprised to hear the decision. This justice system, the system created by the government well before Black People had Civil Rights, was not built to protect us. The system didn't fail us because it was never built for us. There's a war going on and its on our young black men. But my question is: Where are our Black Leaders?

I've heard that people now want to boycott Black Friday. Which I have no problem with, but boycotting one day doesn't ignite change. When unions go on strike, they go on strike until the change has happened. Until they're demands are met. So if you're going to boycott shopping on Black Friday, boycott shopping for the whole Holiday season. Boycott shopping all together until they feel the pain that our community felt with last nights decision. 

If you want some change, be about that change. But let's no just react without thinking, because that's what they're expecting us to do anyway.

My prayers go out to the Brown Family during this Holiday season.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

They're Back Aca-Bitches!!!

So anyone who knows me, knows I absolutely love the movie Pitch Perfect. There's a special place in my heart for all musicals, especially RENT. And yes, I'm aware that Pitch Perfect isn't a musical, nor does it come anywhere close to RENT or even some of the greatest musicals out there.

But after just seeing this trailer, my day has completely been made. Although from the looks of this trailer, it may not be as funny as the first movie. Wouldn't be the first sequel to not live up to the first. I'll still be at the movies to see it when it comes out in May 2015. Check out the trailer below.

Oh and BTW, I don't know how many of you are Hunger Game fans. But this girl here shall be in the theater 30 mins before the movie starts!