Monday, July 28, 2014

50 Shades of Grey Official Trailer

So as I was doing my daily web surfing.  I decided to stop past Highsnobiety, only to look on the side and this link. I actually wasn't quite sure that this was real. There was a few buzz about this movie coming out, but I haven't heard much about it since.

But to my surprise, the movie is set to come out Valentine's Day 2015. If any of you were a fan of this sexy and controversial trilogy, then you're just as excited as I am to see this book come to life.  Check the trailer below:

Product Review: Hairfinity

Morning! I know I've been neglecting you guys for the past couple of weeks. We're gonna blame this on my never ending work schedule. Now let's digress...

A little over a month ago, I ordered a bottle of Hairfinity that everyone has been gushing over. At first I was super excited to receive my new package of hair supplemental vitamins. Maybe a week after taking the pills, I straightened my hair, after a 6 month heat free hiatus, and needed my ends trimmed badly. I knew once I got the trim, I wasn't going to be able to do a length check. But I still figured I would see a difference in other ways, like less shedding and thickness.

My Trim after 6 month hiatus :(

Let's just say, I wasn't too happy about any of the results that I wasn't seeing. My hair is still shedding the same amount and my hair really doesn't feel any thicker. Now I know what you are all thinking, I have to give it more than a month. But fact of the matter is, I know my hair! My hair grows pretty quickly with supplements. My hair is very thick and definitely sheds more than I would like. But if you offer a 1 month trail, I expect to see some type of results after 1 month.

Needless to say, I won't be ordering another bottle.

Now please don't let this stray you away from ordering this product. As we all know in the natural hair world, what works for me might not work for you...and vice versa. If you've really been thinking about trying out this product, then I say try it for yourself and I really hope you all have better results than I did.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Icon Alert: Kerry Washington

After looking at so many BET Award Fashion Fails, the person who stood out the most to me was Kerry Washington. Reason behind this, she always looks GORGEOUS! Every red carpet moment she has graced she looks very well put together. I've always believed the sometimes less is MORE. Kerry has graced us at every event with picture worthy gowns and looks that I can't help but give her a bit of shine today. Here are a few of my favorite Red Carpet looks by Ms. Washington.